Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Half Life

Another moment in time to comtemplate bubble gum pop and coy smiles.
I escaped I thought, it was close, but not really.
Distorted memories of fever and dimmed windows, and television buzz.
Return to life, Lazarus, John Travolta, Kenny from South Park.
Work pays, school proceeds, life continues...
Supported by the phone lines like a high wire of communication.
They provide the feelings of hope, love, need, reality, and appreciation.
The ambilical cords that end in phone jacks.

I looked him straight in the eyes and said you are only your relationships.
I think I was misunderstood. I didn't mean he was dependent on them.
I meant that he was constructed.

Birthday cake and ice cream smiles.
Presents of bubbles, Playdough and paint.
Grumbling parents elevated to task of future clean-up.

I thought of attachment and what does it mean to have someone.
Is someone in your life? Do you have someone special?
The need to affiliate is great among humans, but at what level?
And at what point does attachment become habit and not appreciation?

I've have been thinking of the past,
only to find its manifestations in my dreams.
Friends that weren't worth the effort of phone bills and Christmas cards.
Yet somehow they have made their appearances in the soap opera of my sleep.
Their colors are vibrant and for some odd reason I need them.
At least for now.
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