Wednesday, April 20, 2005

No Further Inquiries

In the late night hour of my open eyes
I pondered the warm scent of night from outside
The subtle light that entered from the window
Movement in the curtain from the breeze

I stepped away without moving from my bed
Into a bright day where they had come back
Brilliant in the sun
Waving their shiny flags of victory over winter
As they did every year
This year would be no different

I could feel the miracle of new growth
The inspiration of what has never been
and what will only be temporary
New life clean and clear coming from the old.

Time changes everything
And nothing stays good or bad forever

I let go all the expectation, all of the intoxicating hope.
Now I was free again, free from wanting.
The magic faded and he became human, and only human.

I see him as part of a history of miscalculations
A reality that I only felt, only I could see
The bursting flame that was one-sided died down.
The embers fell into a mound that quietly goes away.

Back to the comfort of being outside
Standing separately from those who stop and join in.

The case was closed and the mystery stood suspended
No further inquiries.
I stopped pondering the fragments of evidence and let it go.
I had studied too long.
There was something down in the deep,
but I would go no farther.

Deep breathe and bright lights.
Back to a world where the chaser is the chased
and the anticipator, anticipated.
It is safe here.
There are no wounds in a padded world.

The construct, this façade, covers the exterior
and no one can be touched here.
I am safe.
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